A lot happened in the basement today, but not stuff that can be seen well in pictures. The electrician spent a lot of time tracing stuff, fixing stuff that made no sense, etc. The HVAC guy is up there running tubing that will go out to the new A/C compressor (yay!). I don't really know what else he's doing down there, but I'm glad he's doing it, lol.
Whoops, forgot to lighten this picture up. Anyway, I'm working on hacking some of these bushes out so the compressor can go here. Those lower windows are proving pretty handy for getting stuff into the basement. Passing it through there beats the heck out of hauling everything around the corner and down the stairs.
Meanwhile, back up in the kitchen, the drywall came down here. This is where the stove was, and where the new sink will be. It does tend to give you pause when the electrician comes in, takes one look, and says Wow.
This is what he's looking at. Really, would it have take SO much longer to do the job right, rather than slap wires together with what looked like an entire roll of tape?? We've been finding stuff like this everywhere since we moved in. Things that make you say either Hmmm, or What on EARTH were they thinking?!?
Here's another of those things. Its hard to see here, but apparently they got a new fridge at some point that didn't quite fit, so they cut the wall out. They didn't even do it straight, it came to a V at the bottom.
Now it will be a straight wall, and come out far enough to cover the new cabinet-depth refrigerator. It kills me to pay more money for less space in a cabinet depth fridge. But, since we have so little floor space in the kitchen I'm choosing to look at it as paying for more floor space, not less fridge space.
Framed out for the new window over the sink. You can see where they used to have a vent for the stove, but that was covered by the drywall. I still can't imagine having no venting for the stove. Maybe they never burned stuff like I do...
The new bar wall is framed. I think the awful fluorescent light box is coming down on Monday. We'll be adding more can lights in the ceiling, and the two that are there will be replaced by pendant lights. We still have to shop for those.